Haircare...Delivered by Santa

Haircare … Delivered by Santa
By Andrea At Adored Salon
Treat a teacher, friend, or a loved one this Christmas with a professional brand of shampoo and conditioner.  When my children were in elementary school, I decided to gift their teachers with a duo of luxury shampoo and conditioner.  I was completely surprised at the wonderful response I received.  Their teachers couldn’t stop talking about how great their hair felt!  Several of the teachers had never purchased a luxury shampoo and conditioner for themselves and really noticed how much better their hair responded.  They even asked me to continue getting them the products throughout the year!!
It is also an awesome stocking stuffer for those college students!  Typically college dorms and locker rooms have very hard water, which really can dry out the hair.  A luxury shampoo and conditioner can protect their hair from these elements.  Stop in at Adored Salon, Lombard, and we can help you choose the perfect combo for your friends, family, and others that you need to purchase gifts for this holiday season!
325 S. Main Street, Suite 1s
Lombard, IL 60148

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