It Works Wrap vs Liposuction

At Adored Salon we have started using th It Works body applicator wraps. The before and after photo above is about 12 wraps to achieve their results. We have had great success and many happy clients because they really do work! I have heard many comments about the wraps that I now know are questions.  These comments compare the wrap to liposuction. First and formost a wrap nor liposuction is forever. Just like doing sit ups for one night is not a flat stomach forever either.  In this blog I am going to state the facts of lipo suction vs a wrap. This should really help those who can't decide on which route to go. It seems pretty simple......

What to expect when getting a wrap service:
One It Works wrap is $ 35 as a salon service.The salon takes a before photo on your phone. We then give you a tape measure to measure the area being wrapped ( some people do lose inches). The wrap is applied. It has a cool feeling while it is doing it's work. We give you water and you relax for 45 min. The wrap comes off we take an after photo. (9 out of 10 people see immediate results). We instruct you to take a photo the following day. You have to drink 10-12, 8oz glasses of water everyday for 3 days. A full treatment is 4 wraps, 1wrap a week for 4 weeks. 1 wrap can last up to 2 weeks and a full treatment an last up to 6 months. This of course depends on your lifestyle, eating right, working out etc. An It Works body applicator wrap will tighten, tone, firm, reduce the look of stretch marks and cellulite. The wrap uses 12 different botanical herbs to perform the magic. With each wrap your results will improve gradually and if you have a lot of tightening and toning to do it will take more than 4 wraps. There will be NO pain or recovery time. NO anethesia, needles or drainage tubes to deal with.
Now The truth about liposuction. Liposuction is used to remove fat cells from a targeted area. You are put under anethesia and the recovery time is anywhere from 4-8 weeks if all goes well. While Liposuction can improve the shape of the body it will not improve the appearance of cellulite, sagging skin or the quality of the skin texture (stretch marks). If a liposuction patient gains back a significant amount of weight, then the fat will return to an area previously treated by liposuction. It takes 1-3months to see results due to swelling and bruising that usually happens during the procedure. The risks associated with liposuction are bruising, swelling, scarring, irregularities in skin (ridges and dents) due to the size of the tubing used to suck out the fat cells. Pulmonary Thromboembolism ( a blood clot in the lungs), infection, Intia Abdominal Perferation (puncture of the intestines), bleeding under the skin and nerve damage to name a few. Last but not least even death.

Table of Approximate Cost of Liposuction Surgery in the USA

Body Area Approximate Lower End of Range of Lipo Surgical Cost ($) Approximate Upper End Range of Lipo Surgical Cost ($)
Abdomen, upper & lower 3,000 7,500
Abdomen, lower 2,000 2,000
Arms 1,500 5,000
Back, female 1,500 4,000
Breasts, female 3,000 7,500
Breasts, male 3,000 5,000
Buttocks 1,500 4,500
Chin, Cheeks, Jowls, Neck 2,000 4,500
Flanks, male 2,000 5,000
Anterior Thighs & Knees 2,000 5,000
Inner (Thighs & Knees) 2,000 5,000
Hips/Waist 1,600 5,000
Outer Thighs 1,600 5,000
(Total Liposuction Cost = All Liposuction Surgical Costs + Non-Surgical Costs). If an anesthesiologist is required, then an additional fee must be anticipated


By: Jennifer Janisch
325 S. Main Street, Suite 1s
Lombard, IL 60148

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