Eye lash Extensions

How to Take Care of your Eyelash Extensions
To have the maximum wear time of your lashes it is important maintain them.  Depending on the look you want to achieve, touchups are necessary every 3 to 4 weeks.  If your look is more dramatic, more “fashionable,” you need to come in for a fill every 2 to 3 weeks.  After each fill you leave with a full set again.  3-4 week fills are 0 and 1-2 week fills are .
It is very important to keep up with the “at home” care.  First of all, after you leave your appointment you can shower, swim, go to a sauna, or do hot yoga!!!  Yay, yay.  To remove makeup (such as eyeliner and eye shadow) use the clean lash by Novalash.  It is a 3 in 1 makeup remover, cleanser, and conditioner system to cleanse lashes free of make-up and other debris at night.  The oil moisturizes synthetic extensions for lasting radiance and flexibility.   After using the pads morning and night, it is important to brush your lashes to prevent tangles. 
It is recommended not to wear mascara.  It is best to avoid products that have carbonates, glycols, and parabens.  The reason why is because those chemicals will dissolve the Novalash platinum band.

By Rosie Adored Salon
325 S. Main Street, Suite 1s
Lombard, IL 60148

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