How do I grow my hair long? Do you want to know the BEST way to grow your hair? Do you want LONG & HEALTHY hair?

How can I grow my hair LONG? How to grow your hair longer and healthy?
Women have been sitting in my chair for over 10 years saying the same thing. I want to grow my hair long. Don't cut my hair, I am growing it out. I want my hair LONG! I am going to make a list of the most important factors in growing your hair long and healthy. Yes, every single point matters. I know from personal experience. I was never able to grow my hair long until the past 5 years. I had hair that would never grow a few inches past my shoulders, but now its to the middle of my back and here's how.
1. START OUT FRESH. There is absolutely no way around this. You have to cut what is damaged, dead, dry, and split OFF! Once your hair splits, it will continue to split sometimes inches above your length and break off. Imagine how small one strand of hair is. Okay now divide that into 2, 4, 6. This is what happens when hair splits. It keeps dividing until it is no longer able to hold on and then it breaks right off. If you absolutely hate it this short than call us at Salon Envy Chicago for some Great Lengths Hair Extensions while you are growing your real hair out. Check us out, you will have that long hair immediately while your own hair is babied underneath it all.
-So get a haircut and don't be shy about getting rid of ALL damage.
2. GET REGULAR TRIMS. Regular means 6-8 weeks. Make sure that you can trust your stylist with your long hair. If the average persons hair grows about a 1/2 inch a month and that's what you are cutting, than it will never get longer. You need to keep those split ends off.
-Keep up those baby haircuts. In the mean time, treat your hair like FRENCH LACE. BE GENTLE!
3. GET THE RIGHT PRODUCTS. Cheap products have CHEAP chemicals that may make your hair look good temporarily, but they will break down your hair over time. This causes unhealthy hair that causes short and weak hair. Your stylist will recommend what is the best. Make sure that your stylist specializes in long hair and has many years of experience in helping clients grow their hair long. I recommend Kerastase Bain Force Architect and Kerastase Ciment Anti-Usure. Also, add a Kerastase Ciment thermique which is a leave-in thermal protector. Also make sure to moisturize your ends with a serum or moisturizing cream.
-Spend the money ladies. Its worth it and you will notice a huge difference in stronger hair. Stronger hair=more length
4. EAT HEALTHY. Diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle is imperative in healthy hair. Your hair is pretty much a microcosm of how you live your life. If you're getting wasted constantly and eating dunkin doughnuts don't expect to have beautiful, shiny, healthy long hair. It won't happen. Eat a well balanced diet and make sure to get your vitamins from your fruit and veggies. Drink 8 glasses + of H20 daily. Exercise regularly. Also, try to lead a low stress lifestyle. Don't stay in dysfunction whether it is work or relationships. Stress will show in your hair, I promise! I've seen it!
-Live your life healthy and happy. DRINK WATER!
5. STOP USING HARSH CHEMICALS IN YOUR HAIR. BLEACH, PERMS, AMMONIA LOADED HAIRCOLOR & PEROXIDE will break down your cuticle. Most clients that cannot grow their hair long that ELIMINATE color or start using ammonia free notice their hair FINALLLLLLY starts to grow. Now don't leave this blog thinking I am anti-hair color. I couldn't live or put food on the table with out hair color :) This is for the lady who cannot grow their hair long and keeps coloring it over and over.
-Go back to your virgin hair color or only color using AMMONIA FREE GENTLE hair color such as L'OREAL PROFESSIONAL RICHESSE OR DIA LIGHT.

6. GET DEEP IN-SALON CONDITIONING TREATMENTS. I personally do deep conditioning treatments once a month. Kerastase In-Salon Rituals to be exact. These hair treatments are customizable and HAIR-changing. They are amazing and will make a huge difference in the longevity of your hair.
-Get a Kerastase In-Salon Ritual Treatment with every trim or hair color service.
7. USE NO to LITTLE HEAT APPLIANCES. Blow Dryers, Flat Irons, Curling Irons, and any other heated tools WILL cause mechanical damage. The less you use, the better off your hair is. If you absolutely have to than choose very high quality styling tools. Your stylist will guide you in the right direction. Don't trust Ulta Beauty or some other random beauty supply store to give you professional products or advice.
-Limit or STOP the use of any hair tools. Natural hair is the healthiest hair.
8. TAKE VITAMINS. Take a hair, skin, and nails vitamin that is loaded with BIOTIN. BIOTIN along with the other vitamins included will help your hair grow long and healthy.
-Vitamins make a world of a difference. Go out and buy some today. Be diligent and take them daily.
9. BE GENTLE! Be very gentle. Be very, VERY gentle when your hair is wet. Do not brush or try to untangle your hair when it is wet. When your hair is wet, it is at a FRAGILE STATE. At all times be gentle and care for it like it is your baby :)
-Treat your hair like it is French lace. After all, it is so delicate and precious.
Happy Growing!


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