How To Clear Up Acne


Acne. The sweet gift left by our over-active sebateous glands. The best part is- its on the part of our body that every single person we come into contact with sees, our face. There are many causes and many treatments.

Here at Salon Envy we offer an amazing treatment regime to follow and clear your skin from this wretched issue.

Causes: Diet, Lack of Water, Stress & Hormones, Bacteria from hands/makeup brushes/ sheets/pillows, Internal Factors, Soaps/Cleansers, Moisurizers, Hair Products, Etc.

Salon Treatments Recommended:
1) Facial. We recommend to come in for a facial because it will help us determine the best possible products and regime for your skin.  We may recommend doing extractions that will rid your skin of the dark, clogged sebum in your pours. This will give your skin a fresh start.
2) Acid Treatments. We may recommend an acid treatment to dry up your current acne. They will also exfoliate and leave your skin feeling cleaner, smoother, and resurfaced after one treatment.
3) Routine. Its all about consistency when it comes to skin. Rule out all of the possible problems by combating them all... Here are the most common causes and solutions...


We are going to LETTER them, since all are important and there is no specific order.

A) Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of 8oz of water daily.

B) Eat your FRUITS & VEGGIES. Make sure you are consuming those vitamins within your diet and also if possible, supplement with vitamins to give a bonus to your diet.

C)Exercise Regularly. I know this sounds like a broken record for some of you. Exercise *even as little as a 30 minute walk a day* will not only stimulate positive hormones in your brain, but it will help decrease stress & clear up skin. WIN-WIN!

D) Cleanse 2x a day with Dermalogica Medibac Acne Clearning Cleanser. When cleansing, Pat dry with a clean washcloth and moisturize with Dermalogica Mediabac Acne Mattifier. At night time, spot treat with Dermalogica Overnight Clearing Gel.

E) New Makeup Applicators Daily. We can't stress this enough. Makeup containers contain MILLIONS of bacteria in them! Use a fresh new sponge or cotton daily. Otherwise your acne will be pasted on daily and you will never clear up! Make sure your makeup kit looks like it is BRAND NEW. It should be spot less.

F) Clean sheets & pillow cases at least once a week. Use a natural detergent free of fragrance and other chemicals that will just irritate your skin and cause more acne.

G) Use Oil-Free hair products and keep your hair off of your face. Bangs are NOT good for a client that has acne. The oil from our scalp travels down our hair shaft causing oil on our skin. NOT good.

Cleansers, Moisturizers, Clearing gels, Daily makeup applicators, Oil-Free hair products, (Keep Hair OFF Face), Clean your pillow cases & sheets weekly,

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