8 Super Foods For Gorgeous Hair



What do wild salmon, lentils, eggs, and sweet potatoes have in common? They’re all amazing for your hair! If you're looking for a way to get shiny, faster growing hair from the inside out, keep reading to discover the 8 best super foods to feed your tresses.



Eggs are a hair superfood because they are so rich in biotin.   Biotin is a B vitamin that promotes hair growth and overall scalp health.  When your diet lacks this vitamin, your hair can become brittle and weak.

So whether you're a fan of omelets, quiches, or prefer your eggs sunny side up, know that you’re getting a healthy boost of hair growing power with every bite. In addition to eggs, other biotin rich foods are peanuts, almonds, wheat bran, salmon, low-fat cheese, and avocados.



Oysters are high in zinc, a mineral which contributes to healthy hair growth and tissue repair.  It also helps keep the oil glands around the hair follicles working properly.

Not a lover of the oyster?  Other foods rich in zinc are crab, clams, liver, lean beef, most nuts and seeds, peanut butter, wheat germ, fat-free yogurt, and cheese.


Sweet potatoes.

Bright orange and deep green colored vegetables are packed with Vitamin A, an amazing vitamin which keeps your hair shiny and moisturized.  Without Vitamin A, your hair can become dull, and your scalp can become flaky and prone to dandruff.  

In addition to sweet potatoes, try carrots, kale, butternut squash, asparagus, pumpkin, dried apricots, cantaloupe and peppers. While these veggies are incredibly flavorful when cooked, if you slice them raw on a salad or serve them raw with a dip, you’ll get even more nutrients.



Protein is the building block of hair. Hair gets its structure from hardened proteins called keratin. Without enough protein for keratin, your hair grows more slowly, and the individual strands that do grow are weaker.

For healthy growth, get an adequate amount of protein each day.  Try a variety of options including chicken, turkey, lean beef, fish, beans, and nuts.



Lentils and other legumes like kidney beans are great sources of iron-rich protein. Iron is important as it can boost hair growth. People who have problems with hair loss or hair growth tend to be iron deficient (especially women) so it’s important to have adequate amounts in your daily diet.

Good sources of iron include lean beef, chicken, wheat germ, turkey, egg yolks, whole grains, dried fruit, spinach, and beans.

NOTE:  Combine your iron-rich foods with other foods high in Vitamin C.  Vitamin C improves the body's ability to absorb iron.

Kiwi and other Vitamin C rich foods.

With their fuzzy brown skin and vibrant green inside, kiwis are some of the most interesting looking fruits on the market.  Their real charm, though, is that they are packed with Vitamin C, which not only helps your body absorb iron, but also keeps your hair from becoming dry and weak, splitting and breaking easily.  Vitamin C is also used to form collagen, a structural fiber that also contributes to younger looking skin.

The best Vitamin C sources other than kiwi? Broccoli, kale, green peppers, papaya, pineapple, mango, citrus fruits, and strawberries. Make a healthy hair smoothie by blending a mix of fresh and frozen Vitamin C rich fruits. Your skin will benefit, too!


Wild salmon.

Wild salmon is loaded with B Vitamins.    B Vitamins help to create red blood cells which carry oxygen and nutrients to your scalp and hair.  When your diet is low in B vitamins, your cells can starve, causing hair shedding, slow growth, or brittle hair that breaks easily.  Salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which support healthy scalp and skin. 

In addition to salmon, try adding these B-rich foods to your menu:  sardines, herring, mackerel, shellfish, beans, chicken, oatmeal, eggs, peanut butter, fat-free and low-fat dairy foods, and fortified whole-grain cereals. 


Healthy oils.

Healthy oils like olive, peanut, safflower, and sunflower can restore the shine of your hair. About a teaspoon a day will do the trick. Mix oils with herbs and other ingredients to make a healthy salad dressing or dip for veggies.

Nourishing your hair from the inside out will make a difference in the rate at which your hair grows as well as the strength of each strand.    Top quality hair care is important, too, and the stylists at our hair salon in Vero Beach FL are always happy to help you choose the best products to keep your locks looking their best!  Stop by the salon today!



Wed 9 - 5
Thu 9 - 5
Fri 9 - 5
(772) 492-8440
541 Beachland Boulevard Vero Beach, FL 32963
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