I was told laser hair removal only works on light skin types and I have dark skin. Will the lyra laser work on me?
Yes, the Lyra hair removal laser has been effectively and safely used for thousands of treatments with no complications. The Lyra hair removal laser has revolutionized laser hair removal and the treatment of razor bumps in patients with all skin types, such as Asians, Hispanics, African Americans and those of Mediterranean descent, as well as sun-tanned patients. It is FDA approved for the treatment of razor bumps, commonly seen in dark skin types and African Americans. Many hair removal lasers effectively treat patients with dark hair and light skin, but the Lyra is the first laser that is effective for hair removal for patients with sun-tanned skin or naturally dark skin tones.

What areas on my body able to be treated?
Every area on the body, except certain areas below the eyebrow, can be treated.

Does it hurt?
The treatments feel like a warm or stinging sensation or as though a rubber band is snapping the skin. The laser is designed with a cooling module that decreases the sensation of heat and patient discomfort. We can also prescribe a topical cream, to be applied 5-10 minutes prior to the procedure.

What is the required amount of treatments?
One treatment will not remove all unwanted hair. How many sessions depends on hormonal factors, the individual, density of hair growth, and desired end point of treatment. You will need at least 6 treatments, possibly more. It is impossible to predict the exact number of treatments. All session should be done approximately one month apart.

How long after the treatment will the hair disappear?
The hair will remain on your face for 1-3 weeks after each treatment. It does not disappear immediately after the treatment. After several days and up to three weeks after the treatment, you will notice the hair and hair follicles falling out when you shave or wash your face.

Do the lasers treat all hair colors and types?
Hair removal lasers work well on black, brown, or dark hair. At this time no hair removal laser successfully treats white or gray hair.

What will happen after the laser hair removal treatment?
After the treatment, there may be a few areas that are slightly pink, which should be easily covered with makeup. Rarely, there may be a particularly sensitive area that may develop small scab and heal in a few days. Generally, right after the treatment you should look fine and feel comfortable to be out socially or return to work.

How can I prepare for laser hair removal?
It is important not to tweeze, pluck, wax, or use depilatory creams for at least 3 weeks before the treatment. If the hair follicle is pulled out, there will be no target hair follicle for the laser to treat. Avoid bleaching treatments for 3 weeks before the treatment. On the day of the treatment, it is important that the hair being treated is shaved or cut as close as possible to the skin surface. Hair growth or stubble on the surface of the skin will make the treatment less effective.

Will my unwanted hair disappear forever?
The laser is FDA approved for permanent hair reduction. The results tend to be additive, meaning more treatments lead to greater levels of permanent hair reduction. Results cannot be precisely predicted. To guarantee that all hair would permanently be removed and never grow back would be misleading. It is possible that with increasing age and hormonal changes, areas that have been successfully treated may see hair growth which may be a lighter color and not as thick.

What is the cost of Laser Hair Removal?
Cost can vary with the size of the area treated. Smaller areas such as the upper lip will be considerably less than treatment of larger areas such as the entire face, back or legs. After a consultation the staff will review the costs per session.

Though uncommon due to advanced laser technology, risks and potential complications do exist and include, but are not limited to, incomplete removal of all hair, uneven hair growth afterwards, infection, scarring, and alterations in pigment of skin after treatment.

HOURS: Monday through Friday 8am-5pm • Closed Saturday and Sunday