Nail Technician

Salon Hours

Tuesday9am - 7pm
Wednesday9am - 6pm
Thursday9am - 7pm
Friday9am - 6pm
photo of Lea Ann Watts, Nail Technician Lea Ann Watts
Image Makers Salon
2603 University Blvd
Tuscaloosa, AL, 35401 USA

Instagram: @nailsbyleaann

Lea Ann Watts has been in the industry for over 30 plus years. Her journey has been very successful, pleasing and she has been very blessed, she has been married for over 29 years, has two grown sons and one precious grandbaby. Lea Ann has worked at Image Makers Salon for the past 26 years and has a full cosmetology license, but specializes in nails and pedicures. She has several continuing education certificate’s from Tammy Taylor Nails in California, two from Ugly duckling Nails in Canada and from Wildflowers Nails and Company. She has also, taken multiple online classes, several business classes and traveled outside of the state of Alabama to learn more about acrylic nails and nail art. Lea Ann beleives you can never get enough education to improve your technique and your craft. She is blessed to say she still has some of her original clients with her from the day she started, and can’t think of anything she ever could’ve done that would have been so fulfilling. Lea Ann beleives in our industry we are more than just someone who provides a service, rather, a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. She would love to see you in her chair!!