Hair Stylist

photo of Matthew, Hair Stylist Matthew
Salon Envy
2658 N. Halsted St.
Chicago, IL, 60614 USA

After beating hundreds of other stylists and colorists, Matthew was chosen to tour nationally, performing at professional beauty trade shows all across the country during the late 1990's.  His work has been featured in both consumer and professional beauty and trade magazines, snagging his first cover shot at the age of 25.  Matthew's innovative patented design of the first electric professional round hair-styling brush won him a spot as finalist in Hammacher Schlemmer's "Search for Invention" contest.

Under the guidance of then Spa Director Jake Birdsong, Matthew worked toward his degree as an iSPA Certified Spa Supervisor (CSS) which he received in 2009.  Aside from his work in the salon and teaching, Matt is proud to be the CEO of his own company, Modern Life Products, makers of Salon Restore Brand Cleaning Products.

As a hair color educator for 14 years, Matthew loves to share his passion for creating custom color formulations.  He teaches all over the Midwest and continually attends trainings and trade shows throughout the country.  Colorist and hair color for over twenty years, this Boston area transplant now shares his brand of gorgeous hair color with Chicago.
