Level 1 Massage Therapist



photo of Lisa Madsen, Level 1 Massage Therapist Lisa Madsen
Urban Trends
10351 Washington Avenue
Sturtevant, WI, 53177 USA
(262) 681-2900

Year began this profession:  2000
Urban Trends start date: March 2014 

What got you interested in the beauty business   Ever since I was a young girl I have been fascinated with being healthy. Being a massage therapist ables me to help people with their overall health.

What do you love MOST about your work: Helping people!

I am "Obessed" with:  Health

My Service Philosophy is:  To make sure my clients expectations are reached every time they come in for a service. I care deeply for all my clients.

My favorite product is/because: Doterra Oil Balance: Balance is an oil that helps ground you. Something I firmly believe we all need to do.

My hobbies/interests are:  I enjoy hiking and camping and going to the beach with my family. The more time outdoors the better! Bring on the Vitamin D and grounding!.

My Goal in life is: is to constantly be learning from the good and bad things that happen in my life, then use those situations to better myself and help others.

Licensed Massage Therapist
Doterra Aroma Touch Therapy
Certified in Pre-Natal Massage
Masters in The Blood Type Diet