Bioelements - Products

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Rau Salon is proud to offer Bioelements to our clients. As expert Bioelements specialists, we strive to deliver the best products and services in the Twin Lakes, WI area. Our decision to offer Bioelements to our valued customers is part of this commitment.

Product List Price*
Skin Cleansers
Moisture Positive Cleanser (6 oz)
Decongestant Cleanser (6 oz)
Flash Foam Cleanser
Sensitive Skin Cleanser (4 oz)
Spotless Cleanser (3 oz)


Eye Makeup Remover
Makeup Dissolver (6 oz)


Equalizer (6 oz)


Sun Protector
Everyday Protector (6 oz)
Sun Diffusing Protector
Year-Round Protector


Crucial Moisture (2.5 oz)
Absolute Moisture (2.5 oz)
Beyond Hydration (2.5 oz)


Night Creams & Treatments
Oil Control Sleepwear
Probotix Anti-aging


Eye and Lip Treatments
Instant Emollient (.12 oz)
Multi-Task Eye Creme (.5 oz)
Eye Area
Recovery Serum
Lip Buff (.5 oz)


Quick Refiner (3 oz)


Pigment Discourager (.5 oz)


Tinted Treatments
Healthy Glow Face Tint (1 oz)
Tinted Undereye/Lid Smthr (.5oz)
Tinted Balm for Fuller Lips (.5oz)



* Prices subject to change without notice.