Microdermabrasion - Services

Salon Hours

Tuesday9am - 7pm
Wednesday9am - 7pm
Thursday9am - 7pm
Friday9am - 7pm
Saturday8am - 6pm

Microdermabrasion (45 minutes)

This safe, non-surgical, comprehensive technique involves the skin being gently re-surfaced by mild abrasives to remove the outermost layer of dry, dead skin cells to reveal a layer of smoother, softer, younger-looking skin. Microdermabrasion promotes production of new cells in the basal layer of the dermis. It deep cleanses your pores and hinders breaks outs if used on a regular basis. Microdermabrasion also stimulates collagen to improve skin texture and appearance. The best candidates for microdermabrasion are individuals with acne prone and blotchy skin, small scars or wrinkles, large pores and sun damage skin. You should not be on Retin A for 2 to 3 days beforehand. Microdermabrasion is not recommended for clients with active keloids, undiagnosed lesions, recent herpes outbreaks, warts, active rosacea, unstable diabetes or auto-immune system disorders. Patients compare microdermabrasion treatment to a slight windburn. Your skin may feel slightly sensitive and pink for the first day. A series of 3 - 6 treatments is recommended.