Besos Hair & Makeup Spa Salon

Hyaluron Pen

What is the Nano Hyaluron Pen?

Imagine having wrinkle-free, vibrant skin!

The Nano Hyaluron Pen is a device that generates enough pressure to penetrate and launch the Hyaluron Acid into the human skin. The treatment is a non-invasive method that helps rejuvenate the subjected area and reduce fine lines on your face and body volumetry.

How it works?

Based on the jet injection method, Pressure Technology allows intradermal delivery of fillers and vitamin complexes without the use of needles. Pure hyaluronic acid is introduced to the dermis using a high-pressure device. The Nano Hyaluron Pen injection device is a syringe without a needle, making the procedure virtually painless. Due to the multi-shot control system technology within the device and the increased density of subsequent layers of skin, the injection does not penetrate deeper than the dermis layer. The preparation injected under the skin spreads into he shape of a cone, significantly reducing a break in the skin’s continuity. The device’s dispenser is only 0.13 mm, three times smaller than the smallest insulin needle, allowing the injection to be delivered quickly and smoothly through microscopic holes in the dermis.

The pressure method we use is far less invasive and painful than the traditional needle injection. With needle injection there is also the greater possibility of incorrect administration and the occurrence of bumps on the skin. This risk is eliminated with the Nano Hyaluron Pen. The Nano Hyaluron Pen injection is ideal for combating and filling wrinkles around the mouth (smoker’s lines), nasolabial folds, and wrinkles and furrows between the eyebrows. The effect of the treatment is immediate; your skin becomes pink and elastic, and shallow wrinkles cease to be visible. The results are long-lasting and practically pain-free.The Nano Hyaluron Pen handles even the most difficult wrinkles, activating the mechanisms of skin regeneration. The treatment is safe, free of side effects, and has very few contraindications.
